In addition to its religious activities, Shinnyo-en supports philanthropic activities as part of its humanitarian mission to promote ethical social change and foster a universal sense of responsibility. These are some of Shinnyo-en’s contributions:
In 2007, Shinnyo-en Singapore made its first contribution of $250,000 to an educational institution. The beneficiary was Nanyang Technological University’s Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, one of the universities that have joined the league of prestigious universities including Columbia University, Stanford University and Princeton University.
Our contribution to the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication is ongoing, and through an endowment fund, we allocate scholarships for outstanding students and support the Go-Far programme. The Go-Far programme allows select students to go further to discover other cultures and share their experience as a foreign correspondent back in Singapore.
With a strong belief that it is important to nurture a harmonious relationship with other faiths, Shinnyo-en Singapore made a contribution of $20,000 to the Inter-Religious Organisation (IRO) in Singapore. This is part of its effort to promote inter-faith understanding. The contribution went towards organising lecture series, dialogues, as well as relaunch of a religious book titled “The Contribution of Religion to Peace.” The book contains speeches from 65 years ago, on the day IRO was founded, by inter-faith pioneers from the Christian, Sikh, Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim and Jewish faiths on their commitment to inter-faith engagement and solidarity.